Welcome to Almendros' Lab

My laboratory resides within the Unit of Biophysics and Bioengineering in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona. The group is also integrated with the Institute of Biomedical Research August Pi Sunyer (IDIBAPS) and the Respiratory Diseases Networking Biomedical Research Center (CIBERES).
Our research activities aim to understand the mechanical behavior of the respiratory system and improve the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. We study respiratory mechanics using multiscale approaches encompassing the spectrum of organ to molecule. At the organ level, we study the mechanical properties of the airways and lung tissues and the alterations in mechanical function associated with respiratory diseases. At the cellular level, we focus on how the biomechanics of the cell microenvironment, which is considerably modified in the context of respiratory diseases, modulates cell-matrix crosstalk and cell phenotype.